I’m sorry to hear this. How scary for all of you. Here we have an organization called “The Mapping Project” that looks to document any pro-Israel companies and institutions and call out their offenses. It’s truly heinous. It’s one step from “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” The other day some kids were standing on our lawn and taking a picture of our “we stand with Israel” sign and when my husband asked them what they were doing they said, “oh we were just curious”

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It’s terrifying

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Know that you and your family will get through this. Thinking of you.

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Thank you

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Sep 24Liked by Leah Eichler

This is horrifying. I’m so sorry. During my time as a senior Reuters editor, a similar organization denounced me publicly and called me a “self-hating Jew”. The bitter and complex mixture of emotions that slur awakened in this son of refugees on both sides of the family, who bears the name of a great-uncle killed on Kristallnacht, burns deeply. And yet … and yet. My values are my values. And they run deep too.

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Exactly, values! They are in short supply lately. I don’t agree with everything my son believes but I’ll do anything to protect his ability to express them

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I can imagine your pain

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I had not heard of this group and find it horrifying. One can certainly be sympathetic for the Palestinian people, against the war that Israel wages, and still not be antisemitic in any way. Having looked the group up, I find it very questionable that they accept donations, claiming nonprofit status, but have no record with the IRS.

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Sep 24Liked by Leah Eichler

There are so many insane people here in Israel, and we feel the sane ones are so few. I have no words of comfort for you, It’s getting worse here every day.

Our country has betrayed us.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

I'm so sorry Neta. I can't imagine your pain. I wish I could comfort you. I keep hoping that somehow, somewhere the government will change, that the hostages will come home and things that we once seemed like a real possibility, like a 2-state solution, will once again be in reach.

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Sep 24Liked by Leah Eichler

Leah, I am so sorry this is happening to your son! This is not okay. I've heard of the Canary Mission, but never thought much about their tactics. I'll pay closer attention now. One of the biggest obstacles in fighting antisemitism is lack of Jewish unity. The only winners in this kind of behavior are the antisemites. My thoughts are with you and your family.

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It really shocked me to my core. It's a tactic I didn't want to believe we engaged in.

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This group is not calling out antisemitism, they are promoting it. What they're doing is disgusting, and an insult to anyone who supports Israel.

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I’m so sorry. What a frightening discovery.

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It really was

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That's chilling, Leah. Really sorry to read what's happening.

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Thank you Wendy

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Sep 24Liked by Leah Eichler

OMG, Leah - this is horrible. I'm so sorry that you are facing this and I hope this kind of hatred can be neutralized and all sons and daughters can be safe to speak their hearts and minds. I recently heard from a Palestinian/Israeli group that is working hard for lasting piece and they said the worst disagreements they had were Palestinians arguing with other Palestinians and Israelis arguing with other Israelis. I'm happy to see that Reuters is putting some sunlight on this.

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I can absolutely see that!

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Sites like Canary Mission and Jewhate Database can provide important information but also instigate a hateful mob mentality.

I would be incredibly upset if anyone threatened my child. In fact, after October 7 a student at her school said to her, “Kill all the Jews.” I hope your son continues to be safe from physical harm, but according to the Instagram post, your son stated “globalize the intifada.” Threatening violence is abhorrent but calling for acts of terrorism is unacceptable, if he did say this. While it’s every young person’s right to explore different philosophies and cultures, your son’s beliefs are extreme. It’s not a Jewish value to threaten and harass people but it’s also not a Jewish value to advocate for terrorism.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

I understand what you are saying and I do not agree with my son on this, nor will I try to explain it away. However, I choose to believe some of these words mean something else to this generation and that he's approaching this revolutionary perspective from a Marxist lens, which is not singularly focused on Israel but rather on a worker uprising. I don't love it in the least, but I respect his decision to form his own views without being threatened.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I’ve been warning about a right wing segment of our community that, against all decency and Jewish ethics, seeks to stalk, harass, intimidate, and defame other Jews who have dared to challenge their views (which they delusionally call “bullying”.) I’ve been targeted by one, but fortunately she’s basically got no audience. She’s a shande but not as much as The Canary Mission.

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Yes, a shande, exactly what I thought about that woman who signalled me out as being a disgraceful mother in the comments.

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!!!! Wtf. I am so sorry. You are not.

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So sad to hear of this but not surprised given the extremism apparent not only in the Israeli state but mirrored in the threats of American politicians like Trump to prosecute his enemies. It is all unacceptable and i am sorry it has forced your own wrestling with allegiances as i sense your wider allegiance from your writings of family history will be to that same family if push comes to shove. It takes courage what your son has protested out of genuine conscience and ironic and tragic that extremist elements of his own inherited race which has always been so sensitive to injustice while contributing to the progress of humankind are now so blinded by hatred and encouraged by perception this reversion to blacklist bullying is a legitimate strategy has gained any kind of traction.

I congratulate you for exposing extremism as the true villain here and trust you and and your family stay safe in weathering this confusing, complex and heart-rending time.

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Hi Appleton, It has been a lot to wrestle with. I believe my son is protesting out of a genuine desire to improve the world. I don't agree with all his view but I know what's in his heart and will defend his right to speak his mind. Thank you for your close read, as always.

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Chiming in to say (and encourage) continue your research in Israel / Yad Vashem. Ayn Rand had a line (need to cite,) there are no consequences but consequences have consequences. Zoomed out one notch with all emotions aside would this not be a consequence to a consequence? In a time of judging others and introspecting self, it might be worth to explore understanding over love. In other words, as an observer (& my wiring is the same!) your love of your son might over-ride a higher understanding of self, so meditating on understanding can identify where within self is the root of this chasm. If you were Master of the Universe how would you remedy this incongruence?

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Thank you, thank you for writing this, Leah. Filed under Things I Didn't Know My Friends Were Going Through....

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I wanted to tell you! I honestly didn't have words for the first few days. My gut instinct was like -- how do i get this taken down. Now I believe the shame and blame tactic should be turned on them.

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