Still a Classic? The Lovely Bones

It's here: our new podcast that examines literary classics of the near and distant past.

In this first episode of Still a Classic? Susan Catto and Leah Eichler evaluated Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones.

Over 20 years ago, Sebold’s debut novel touched a nerve. It sold millions of copies and spent almost a year on The New York Times’ bestseller list. Certainly a hit. Arguably a classic. But is it still?

The Lovely Bones followed Sebold’s memoir, Lucky, which tackles the horrific rape she experienced while a student at Syracuse University. Sebold later accused a man, Anthony Broadwater, of committing the crime. He was convicted based on shoddy science and was sentenced to 25-years in prison. Years later, it was discovered he was innocent.

Leah and Susan examined the book from a literary perspective. We also took into consideration the tragedy which served as the book’s inspiration.

Don’t miss this.

Leah Eichler's Esoterica
Leah Eichler's Esoterica
Leah Eichler